1. Call to Order 2. Presentation of Colors by JROTC 3. Invocation 4. Members Present: Juan Alvarez, Jr. ______ Carl M. Cisneros ______ Tom Guyton______ Jessica Neyman ______ Jon Reyes ______Brenda Spillmann ______ Rick Womble______ 5. School Officials Present: Dr. Jose Parra___ Janie Wright___ Larry Ramirez___ Dan Vera___ Tina Knudsen___ Monica Parks___ Dr. Pam Johnson___ Linda Bertram___ Sheila Henderson___ Karla Tate___ Monica Guillory___ Denisha Presley___ Laurie Gilcrease___ Sam Lockhart___ Lora Hardway___ Barbara Bernal___ Anna Buentello___ Deanna Juarez___ Mark Estrada___ Karen Nixon___ Bill Coleman ___ Kenneth Palmer___ Gloria Barber___ 6. Open Forum
Recognitions A. Staff Participants in the Guadalupe Blanco River Authority Keep Lockhart Beautiful Town Branch Clean Up. B. Proclamation Recognizing October 2013 as "Principals Month."
Consent Agenda Items 8A - 8K Business: Consent Agenda Motion_______________ Second______________ / Vote ___________ A. Approval of Minutes: 1. September 23, 2013 2. October 3, 2013 3. October 14, 2013 B. Review of LISD Tax Collection Report C. Review Quarterly Investments Report D. Review Bilingual/ESL Program Report E. Review Investment Policy CDA (Local) F. Accept 2013-2014 Student Transfers G. Approve Budget Amendments H. Approve General Equivalency Diploma (GED) Testing Services I. Approve Child Care Local Match Contribution Agreement J. Approve Out-of-State Trip to Attend ACTE's Career Tech Vision 2013 Funded by Marketing Educators of Texas K. Approve 2013-2014 Textbook Adoption Committee
Consider and/or Approve Acceptance of Donation of Funds from Lockhart Evening Lions Club Motion _____________ Second ____________ / Vote ______________ Presenter: Parra/Wright
9D. Board Member Request(s) for Future Agenda Items or Future Reports Presenter: Alvarez/Board of Trustees 9E. Board Operating Procedures Presenter: Alvarez/Board of Trustees
Consider and/or Approve the Submissions and Proposed Rankings in Response to the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) #13 - 013, for the Schematic Design for Possible High School Campus Renovation Project, Including Action Regarding the Initial Ranking of the Submissions, the Number of Firms to Interview, and the Dates of Interview(s) Motion _____________ Second ____________ / Vote ______________ Presenter: Parra/Ramirez
Consider and/or Approve 2013 Tax Roll Resolution Motion _____________ Second ____________ / Vote ______________ Presenter: Parra/Knudsen
Consider and/or Approve Resolution Committing a Portion of Fund Balance in the June 30, 2013 Financial Statements Motion _____________ Second ____________ / Vote ______________ Presenter: Parra/Knudsen
Consider and/or Approve 2013 - 2014 District and Campus Improvement Plans Motion _____________ Second ____________ / Vote ______________ Presenter: Parra/Wright
Consider and/or Approve Amending Policy BE (LOCAL) Affecting Board Minutes Motion _____________ Second ____________ / Vote ______________ Presenter: Parra/Vera
Consider and/or Approve Board Policy DED (LOCAL) Affecting Holidays and Vacations Motion _____________ Second ____________ / Vote ______________ Presenter: Parra/Knudsen/Vera
Consider and/or Approve Issuance of a Request for Qualifications (“RFQ”) for Program Management for Potential Bond Measure Project(s) Motion _____________ Second ____________ / Vote ______________ Presenter: Neyman/Board of Trustees
COMMUNICATION/ACTION: A. Adjourn to Closed Session Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074, (Personnel, to deliberate regarding the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee; or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee) and/or Texas Government Code Section 551.071 (Consultation with Attorney), specifically to discuss: 1. Personnel Matter – Correspondence dated October 4, 2013 from Superintendent/Board Secretary to Superintendent and Board Members Regarding “September 23, 2013 Board Minutes agenda item, 10 - J” Presenter: Neyman/Board of Trustees
ACTION: OPEN SESSION A. Reconvene in Open Session B. Take All Necessary Action on Items Discussed in Executive Session Motion _____________ Second ____________ / Vote ______________ Presenter: Board of Trustees
13. COMMUNICATION/ACTION: A. Consider and/or Approve LISD's Input into Green Group Holdings, LLC's “Host Agreement” for the proposed landfill (“130 Environmental Park”) Motion _____________ Second ____________ / Vote ______________ Presenter: Neyman/Board of Trustees 14. BENEDICTION 15. ADJOURNMENT
1. Call to Order 2. Presentation of Colors by JROTC 3. Invocation 4. Members Present: Juan Alvarez, Jr. ______ Carl M. Cisneros ______ Tom Guyton______ Jessica Neyman ______ Jon Reyes ______Brenda Spillmann ______ Rick Womble______ 5. School Officials Present: Dr. Jose Parra___ Janie Wright___ Larry Ramirez___ Dan Vera___ Tina Knudsen___ Monica Parks___ Dr. Pam Johnson___ Linda Bertram___ Sheila Henderson___ Karla Tate___ Monica Guillory___ Denisha Presley___ Laurie Gilcrease___ Sam Lockhart___ Lora Hardway___ Barbara Bernal___ Anna Buentello___ Deanna Juarez___ Mark Estrada___ Karen Nixon___ Bill Coleman ___ Kenneth Palmer___ Gloria Barber___ 6. Open Forum
Recognitions A. Staff Participants in the Guadalupe Blanco River Authority Keep Lockhart Beautiful Town Branch Clean Up. B. Proclamation Recognizing October 2013 as "Principals Month."
Consent Agenda Items 8A - 8K Business: Consent Agenda Motion_______________ Second______________ / Vote ___________ A. Approval of Minutes: 1. September 23, 2013 2. October 3, 2013 3. October 14, 2013 B. Review of LISD Tax Collection Report C. Review Quarterly Investments Report D. Review Bilingual/ESL Program Report E. Review Investment Policy CDA (Local) F. Accept 2013-2014 Student Transfers G. Approve Budget Amendments H. Approve General Equivalency Diploma (GED) Testing Services I. Approve Child Care Local Match Contribution Agreement J. Approve Out-of-State Trip to Attend ACTE's Career Tech Vision 2013 Funded by Marketing Educators of Texas K. Approve 2013-2014 Textbook Adoption Committee
Consider and/or Approve Acceptance of Donation of Funds from Lockhart Evening Lions Club Motion _____________ Second ____________ / Vote ______________ Presenter: Parra/Wright
9D. Board Member Request(s) for Future Agenda Items or Future Reports Presenter: Alvarez/Board of Trustees 9E. Board Operating Procedures Presenter: Alvarez/Board of Trustees
Consider and/or Approve the Submissions and Proposed Rankings in Response to the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) #13 - 013, for the Schematic Design for Possible High School Campus Renovation Project, Including Action Regarding the Initial Ranking of the Submissions, the Number of Firms to Interview, and the Dates of Interview(s) Motion _____________ Second ____________ / Vote ______________ Presenter: Parra/Ramirez
Consider and/or Approve 2013 Tax Roll Resolution Motion _____________ Second ____________ / Vote ______________ Presenter: Parra/Knudsen
Consider and/or Approve Resolution Committing a Portion of Fund Balance in the June 30, 2013 Financial Statements Motion _____________ Second ____________ / Vote ______________ Presenter: Parra/Knudsen
Consider and/or Approve 2013 - 2014 District and Campus Improvement Plans Motion _____________ Second ____________ / Vote ______________ Presenter: Parra/Wright
Consider and/or Approve Amending Policy BE (LOCAL) Affecting Board Minutes Motion _____________ Second ____________ / Vote ______________ Presenter: Parra/Vera
Consider and/or Approve Board Policy DED (LOCAL) Affecting Holidays and Vacations Motion _____________ Second ____________ / Vote ______________ Presenter: Parra/Knudsen/Vera
Consider and/or Approve Issuance of a Request for Qualifications (“RFQ”) for Program Management for Potential Bond Measure Project(s) Motion _____________ Second ____________ / Vote ______________ Presenter: Neyman/Board of Trustees
COMMUNICATION/ACTION: A. Adjourn to Closed Session Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074, (Personnel, to deliberate regarding the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee; or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee) and/or Texas Government Code Section 551.071 (Consultation with Attorney), specifically to discuss: 1. Personnel Matter – Correspondence dated October 4, 2013 from Superintendent/Board Secretary to Superintendent and Board Members Regarding “September 23, 2013 Board Minutes agenda item, 10 - J” Presenter: Neyman/Board of Trustees
ACTION: OPEN SESSION A. Reconvene in Open Session B. Take All Necessary Action on Items Discussed in Executive Session Motion _____________ Second ____________ / Vote ______________ Presenter: Board of Trustees
13. COMMUNICATION/ACTION: A. Consider and/or Approve LISD's Input into Green Group Holdings, LLC's “Host Agreement” for the proposed landfill (“130 Environmental Park”) Motion _____________ Second ____________ / Vote ______________ Presenter: Neyman/Board of Trustees 14. BENEDICTION 15. ADJOURNMENT