1. Call to Order 2. Presentation of Colors by JROTC 3. Invocation 4. Members Present: Juan Alvarez, Jr. ___ Carl M. Cisneros___ Tom Guyton___ Jessica Neyman___ Jon Reyes____ Brenda Spillmann ___ Rick Womble___ 5. School Officials Present: Dr. Jose Parra___ Janie Wright___ Larry Ramirez___ Dan Vera___ Tina Knudsen___ Monica Parks___ Dr. Pam Johnson___ Linda Bertram___ Sheila Henderson___ Karla Tate___ Monica Guillory___ Denisha Presley___ Laurie Gilcrease___ Sam Lockhart___ Lora Hardway___ Barbara Bernal___ Anna Buentello___ Deanna Juarez___ Mark Estrada___ Karen Nixon___ Bill Coleman ___ Kenneth Palmer ___ Martha Sherwood___ 6. Open Forum
Recognitions A. Participants in the Guadalupe Blanco River Authority (GBRA) Keep Lockhart Beautiful Town Branch Clean Up presented by Principals B. Eugene Clark Library Summer Reading Program Volunteers presented by Principals Gilcrease and Presley
Business: Consent Agenda Motion__________________ Second_________________ / Vote ______________ A. Approval of Minutes: 1. October 28, 2013 2. November 18, 2013 B. Review Tax Collection Report C. Review Cash Investments Report D. Approve Budget Amendments E. Accept 2013-2014 Student Transfers F. Approve Board Policy DED (LOCAL) Affecting Holidays and Vacations
Consider and/or Approve the 2012-2013 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Motion _____________ Second ____________ / Vote ______________ Presenter: Parra/Knudsen/West, Davis & Company Representative
Discuss, Consider, and/or Adopt Resolution Nominating Directors to the Caldwell County Appraisal District (CCAD) Board of Directors Motion _____________ Second ____________ / Vote ______________ Presenter: Board of Trustees
Consider and/or Approve the Submissions and Proposed Rankings in Response to the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) #13-015, for Program Manager Services, Including Action Regarding the Initial Ranking of the Submissions, the Number of Firms to Interview, and the Dates of Interview(s) Motion _____________ Second ____________ / Vote ______________ Presenter: Parra/Ramirez
Consider and/or Approve Amending Policy GE (LOCAL) Affecting Relations with Parent Organizations Motion _____________ Second ____________ / Vote ______________ Presenter: Parra/Knudsen/Vera
Consider and/or Approve Amending Policy GE (LOCAL) Affecting Relations with Parent Organizations Motion _____________ Second ____________ / Vote ______________ Presenter: Parra/Knudsen/Vera
Consider and/or Accept the Facility Master Program for Lockhart Independent School District Motion _____________ Second ____________ / Vote ______________ Presenter: Parra/OBR Representative
COMMUNICATION/ACTION A. Adjourn to Closed Session Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074, (Personnel, to deliberate regarding the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee; or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee) and/or Texas Government Code Section 551.071 (Consultation with Attorney), specifically to discuss: 1. Pursuant to Texas Government Code Sections 551.074 and 551.071, the Board will convene in closed session for discussion regarding Superintendent contract, possible appointment of Interim Superintendent, and for consultation with legal counsel regarding legal implications related to Superintendent’s departure. Motion _____________ Second ____________ / Vote ______________ Presenter: Womble/Board of Trustees B. ACTION: OPEN SESSION 1. Consideration and/or approve taking action resulting from closed session discussion to include possible action on (1) Superintendent contract, (2) the processes for securing both an interim and permanent replacement, and the impact of these leadership changes on LISD initiatives and plans. Motion _____________ Second ____________ / Vote ______________ Presenter: Womble/Board of Trustees 2. Consider and/or approve taking action to seek a Request for Proposal (RFP) for superintendent search. Motion _____________ Second ____________ / Vote ______________ Presenter: Womble/Board of Trustees 3. Consider and/or approve taking action on possible appointment of interim superintendent. Motion _____________ Second ____________ / Vote ______________ Presenter: Womble/Board of Trustees
1. Call to Order 2. Presentation of Colors by JROTC 3. Invocation 4. Members Present: Juan Alvarez, Jr. ___ Carl M. Cisneros___ Tom Guyton___ Jessica Neyman___ Jon Reyes____ Brenda Spillmann ___ Rick Womble___ 5. School Officials Present: Dr. Jose Parra___ Janie Wright___ Larry Ramirez___ Dan Vera___ Tina Knudsen___ Monica Parks___ Dr. Pam Johnson___ Linda Bertram___ Sheila Henderson___ Karla Tate___ Monica Guillory___ Denisha Presley___ Laurie Gilcrease___ Sam Lockhart___ Lora Hardway___ Barbara Bernal___ Anna Buentello___ Deanna Juarez___ Mark Estrada___ Karen Nixon___ Bill Coleman ___ Kenneth Palmer ___ Martha Sherwood___ 6. Open Forum
Recognitions A. Participants in the Guadalupe Blanco River Authority (GBRA) Keep Lockhart Beautiful Town Branch Clean Up presented by Principals B. Eugene Clark Library Summer Reading Program Volunteers presented by Principals Gilcrease and Presley
Business: Consent Agenda Motion__________________ Second_________________ / Vote ______________ A. Approval of Minutes: 1. October 28, 2013 2. November 18, 2013 B. Review Tax Collection Report C. Review Cash Investments Report D. Approve Budget Amendments E. Accept 2013-2014 Student Transfers F. Approve Board Policy DED (LOCAL) Affecting Holidays and Vacations
Consider and/or Approve the 2012-2013 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Motion _____________ Second ____________ / Vote ______________ Presenter: Parra/Knudsen/West, Davis & Company Representative
Discuss, Consider, and/or Adopt Resolution Nominating Directors to the Caldwell County Appraisal District (CCAD) Board of Directors Motion _____________ Second ____________ / Vote ______________ Presenter: Board of Trustees
Consider and/or Approve the Submissions and Proposed Rankings in Response to the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) #13-015, for Program Manager Services, Including Action Regarding the Initial Ranking of the Submissions, the Number of Firms to Interview, and the Dates of Interview(s) Motion _____________ Second ____________ / Vote ______________ Presenter: Parra/Ramirez
Consider and/or Approve Amending Policy GE (LOCAL) Affecting Relations with Parent Organizations Motion _____________ Second ____________ / Vote ______________ Presenter: Parra/Knudsen/Vera
Consider and/or Approve Amending Policy GE (LOCAL) Affecting Relations with Parent Organizations Motion _____________ Second ____________ / Vote ______________ Presenter: Parra/Knudsen/Vera
Consider and/or Accept the Facility Master Program for Lockhart Independent School District Motion _____________ Second ____________ / Vote ______________ Presenter: Parra/OBR Representative
COMMUNICATION/ACTION A. Adjourn to Closed Session Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074, (Personnel, to deliberate regarding the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee; or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee) and/or Texas Government Code Section 551.071 (Consultation with Attorney), specifically to discuss: 1. Pursuant to Texas Government Code Sections 551.074 and 551.071, the Board will convene in closed session for discussion regarding Superintendent contract, possible appointment of Interim Superintendent, and for consultation with legal counsel regarding legal implications related to Superintendent’s departure. Motion _____________ Second ____________ / Vote ______________ Presenter: Womble/Board of Trustees B. ACTION: OPEN SESSION 1. Consideration and/or approve taking action resulting from closed session discussion to include possible action on (1) Superintendent contract, (2) the processes for securing both an interim and permanent replacement, and the impact of these leadership changes on LISD initiatives and plans. Motion _____________ Second ____________ / Vote ______________ Presenter: Womble/Board of Trustees 2. Consider and/or approve taking action to seek a Request for Proposal (RFP) for superintendent search. Motion _____________ Second ____________ / Vote ______________ Presenter: Womble/Board of Trustees 3. Consider and/or approve taking action on possible appointment of interim superintendent. Motion _____________ Second ____________ / Vote ______________ Presenter: Womble/Board of Trustees