1. Call to Order 2. Members Present: Juan Alvarez, Jr.____ Carl M. Cisneros____ Tom Guyton____ Jon Reyes ____ Jessica Neyman____ Brenda Spillmann____ Rick Womble____ 3. School Officials Present: Janie Wright___ Larry Ramirez___ Daniel Vera___ Tina Knudsen___ Monica Parks___
Consideration and Discussion with Respect to a May 10, 2014 Bond Election and Possible Action Regarding Bond Proposition Options and Ballot Language Presenter: Wright/Knudsen/OBR Representative
Consideration and Action with Respect to an "Order Calling a Bond Election" for the May 10, 2014 Uniform Election Date Presenter: Board of Trustees
1. Call to Order 2. Members Present: Juan Alvarez, Jr.____ Carl M. Cisneros____ Tom Guyton____ Jon Reyes ____ Jessica Neyman____ Brenda Spillmann____ Rick Womble____ 3. School Officials Present: Janie Wright___ Larry Ramirez___ Daniel Vera___ Tina Knudsen___ Monica Parks___
Consideration and Discussion with Respect to a May 10, 2014 Bond Election and Possible Action Regarding Bond Proposition Options and Ballot Language Presenter: Wright/Knudsen/OBR Representative
Consideration and Action with Respect to an "Order Calling a Bond Election" for the May 10, 2014 Uniform Election Date Presenter: Board of Trustees