1. Call to Order 2. Presentation of Colors by JROTC 3. Invocation 4. Members Present: Juan Alvarez, Jr. ______ Carl M. Cisneros ______ Tom Guyton______ Jessica Neyman ______ Jon Reyes ______Brenda Spillmann ______ Rick Womble______ 5. School Officials Present: Rolando "Rudy" Trevino___ Janie Wright___ Larry Ramirez___ Dan Vera___ Tina Knudsen___ Monica Parks___ Sheila Henderson___ Dr. Pam Johnson___ Linda Bertram___ Bill Coleman ___ Karla Tate___ Hector Lozano___ Monica Guillory___ Denisha Presley___ Mark Estrada___ Sam Lockhart___ Karen Nixon___ Rita Sotelo___ Deanna Juarez___ Anna Buentello___ Darryl Henson___ Kenneth Palmer___ Martha Sherwood___
Business: Consent Agenda Time: 5 Minutes A. Approval of Minutes: 1. September 22, 2014 B. Review of LISD Tax Collection Report C. Review Quarterly Investments Report D. Review Bilingual/ESL Program Report E. Accept 2014-2015 Student Transfers F. Approve Budget Amendments G. Approve General Equivalency Diploma (GED) Testing Services H. Approve Child Care Local Match Agreement I. Approve 2014-2015 Textbook Adoption Committee J. Approve 2014 Tax Roll Resolution K. Approve Resolution Classifying Funds as Committed for 2013-2014
Consider Additional Support for the Navarro Elementary Campus Presenter: Trevino/Wright Time: 5 Minutes
Consider and/or Approve 2014-2015 District and Campus Improvement Plans Presenter: Trevino/Wright Time: 10 Minutes
Consider and/or Approve Schematic Designs for Lockhart High School Additions and Renovation Presenter: Trevino/Ramirez Time: 10 Minutes
Consider and/or Approve HB5 College and Career Readiness SureScore Partnership Presenter: Trevino/Wright/Johnson Time: 10 Minutes
Consider and/or Approve Policy Update 100 Regarding Local Policies: CPC (Local) Office Management Records Management, CRD (Local) Insurance and Annuities Management Health and Life Insurance, DCB (Local) Employment Practices Term Contracts, DCC (Local) Employment Practices Continuing Contracts, DCD (Local) Employment Practices At-Will Employment, DCE (Local) Employment Practices Other Types of Contracts, FDA (Local) Admissions Interdistrict Transfers, FL (Local) Student Records, GBAA (Local) Information Access Requests for Information, GKB (Local) Community Relations Advertising and Fund Raising in the Schools Presenter: Trevino/Vera Time: 5 Minutes
Consider and/or Approve Agenda Review Workshop Options Presenter: Trevino/Ramirez Time: 20 Minutes
Discuss, Consider, and/or Approve Date for Special Called Meeting to Canvass November 4, 2014 School Board At-Large Election Results Presenter: Trevino/Ramirez Time: 10 Minutes
Adjourn to Closed Session Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074, (Personnel, to deliberate regarding the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee; or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee) and/or Texas Government Code Section, 551.071 (Consultation with Attorney), 551.072 (Real Property), and 551.073 (Prospective Gift), specifically to discuss: Time: 45 Minutes 1. Deliberate the Purchase or Value of Real Properties in the NE Area of Lockhart ISD Boundaries – for a New Elementary School and Future School Sites (551.072) 2. Discuss Possible Settlement in Cause no. 6281 CCAD v. Stanley Martin 3. Doe Case Final Report
Consideration of and Possible Action Authorizing the Superintendent or His Designee to Enter Into Negotiations For Real Property(ies) in the NE Area of Lockhart ISD Boundaries – for a New Elementary School and Future School Sites Presenter: Board of Trustees Time: 5 Minutes
Consider and/or Approve Settlement in Cause no. 6281 CCAD v. Stanley Martin Presenter: Board of Trustees Time: 5 Minutes
1. Call to Order 2. Presentation of Colors by JROTC 3. Invocation 4. Members Present: Juan Alvarez, Jr. ______ Carl M. Cisneros ______ Tom Guyton______ Jessica Neyman ______ Jon Reyes ______Brenda Spillmann ______ Rick Womble______ 5. School Officials Present: Rolando "Rudy" Trevino___ Janie Wright___ Larry Ramirez___ Dan Vera___ Tina Knudsen___ Monica Parks___ Sheila Henderson___ Dr. Pam Johnson___ Linda Bertram___ Bill Coleman ___ Karla Tate___ Hector Lozano___ Monica Guillory___ Denisha Presley___ Mark Estrada___ Sam Lockhart___ Karen Nixon___ Rita Sotelo___ Deanna Juarez___ Anna Buentello___ Darryl Henson___ Kenneth Palmer___ Martha Sherwood___
Business: Consent Agenda Time: 5 Minutes A. Approval of Minutes: 1. September 22, 2014 B. Review of LISD Tax Collection Report C. Review Quarterly Investments Report D. Review Bilingual/ESL Program Report E. Accept 2014-2015 Student Transfers F. Approve Budget Amendments G. Approve General Equivalency Diploma (GED) Testing Services H. Approve Child Care Local Match Agreement I. Approve 2014-2015 Textbook Adoption Committee J. Approve 2014 Tax Roll Resolution K. Approve Resolution Classifying Funds as Committed for 2013-2014
Consider Additional Support for the Navarro Elementary Campus Presenter: Trevino/Wright Time: 5 Minutes
Consider and/or Approve 2014-2015 District and Campus Improvement Plans Presenter: Trevino/Wright Time: 10 Minutes
Consider and/or Approve Schematic Designs for Lockhart High School Additions and Renovation Presenter: Trevino/Ramirez Time: 10 Minutes
Consider and/or Approve HB5 College and Career Readiness SureScore Partnership Presenter: Trevino/Wright/Johnson Time: 10 Minutes
Consider and/or Approve Policy Update 100 Regarding Local Policies: CPC (Local) Office Management Records Management, CRD (Local) Insurance and Annuities Management Health and Life Insurance, DCB (Local) Employment Practices Term Contracts, DCC (Local) Employment Practices Continuing Contracts, DCD (Local) Employment Practices At-Will Employment, DCE (Local) Employment Practices Other Types of Contracts, FDA (Local) Admissions Interdistrict Transfers, FL (Local) Student Records, GBAA (Local) Information Access Requests for Information, GKB (Local) Community Relations Advertising and Fund Raising in the Schools Presenter: Trevino/Vera Time: 5 Minutes
Consider and/or Approve Agenda Review Workshop Options Presenter: Trevino/Ramirez Time: 20 Minutes
Discuss, Consider, and/or Approve Date for Special Called Meeting to Canvass November 4, 2014 School Board At-Large Election Results Presenter: Trevino/Ramirez Time: 10 Minutes
Adjourn to Closed Session Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074, (Personnel, to deliberate regarding the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee; or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee) and/or Texas Government Code Section, 551.071 (Consultation with Attorney), 551.072 (Real Property), and 551.073 (Prospective Gift), specifically to discuss: Time: 45 Minutes 1. Deliberate the Purchase or Value of Real Properties in the NE Area of Lockhart ISD Boundaries – for a New Elementary School and Future School Sites (551.072) 2. Discuss Possible Settlement in Cause no. 6281 CCAD v. Stanley Martin 3. Doe Case Final Report
Consideration of and Possible Action Authorizing the Superintendent or His Designee to Enter Into Negotiations For Real Property(ies) in the NE Area of Lockhart ISD Boundaries – for a New Elementary School and Future School Sites Presenter: Board of Trustees Time: 5 Minutes
Consider and/or Approve Settlement in Cause no. 6281 CCAD v. Stanley Martin Presenter: Board of Trustees Time: 5 Minutes