Recognitions Time: 10 Minutes A. 2014 UIL Football Bi District Champions presented by Athletic Director Sheila Henderson B. 2014 Graduate presented by Principal Guillory
COMMUNICATION: Time: 5 Minutes A. Public Meeting 2013-2014 Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR) Presenter: Trevino/Wright/Johnson
Consider and/or Approve Allocating Funds to Enhance Technology Presenter: Trevino/Wright Time: 5 Minutes
Visioning/Programming Update Related to New Elementary School Presenter: Trevino/Ramirez Time: 10 Minutes
Consider and/or Approve a Memorandum of Understanding with the Lockhart Education Foundation and One-Time Start-Up Donation Presenter: Trevino/Wright Time: 7 Minutes
Consider and/or Approve Interior Design Finish Boards as Related to the Lockhart High School Additions and Renovations Presenter: Trevino/Ramirez Time: 20 Minutes
Consider and/or Approve the Design Development Package as Related to the Lockhart High School Additions and Renovations Presenter: Trevino/Ramirez Time: 20 Minutes
Consider and/or Approve Board Meeting Date Changes for January 2015 Presenter: Trevino/Vera Time: 2 Minutes
Consider and/or Approve Request for Additional Staffing to Support Instructional Technology Needs Presenter: Trevino/Vera Time: 5 Minutes
COMMUNICATION/ACTION: A. Adjourn to Closed Session Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074, (Personnel, to deliberate regarding the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee; or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee) and/or Texas Government Code Section 551.071 (Consultation with Attorney), specifically to discuss: Time: 30 Minutes 1. Discuss Superintendent’s Evaluation and Evaluation Timeline as it Pertains to His Employment Contract Presenter: Trevino/Board of Trustees 2. Consideration of action to propose termination of the term employment contract of Magdalena Eubank before the end of the contract period Presenter: Trevino/Board of Trustees 3. Deliberation and Consideration of Administrative Hiring Practices Presenter: Neyman/Board of Trustees Time: 15 Minutes
ACTION: OPEN SESSION A. Consideration of action to propose to terminate the term employment contract of Magdalena Eubank before the end of the contract period Presenter: Board of Trustees Time: 5 Minutes
Recognitions Time: 10 Minutes A. 2014 UIL Football Bi District Champions presented by Athletic Director Sheila Henderson B. 2014 Graduate presented by Principal Guillory
COMMUNICATION: Time: 5 Minutes A. Public Meeting 2013-2014 Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR) Presenter: Trevino/Wright/Johnson
Consider and/or Approve Allocating Funds to Enhance Technology Presenter: Trevino/Wright Time: 5 Minutes
Visioning/Programming Update Related to New Elementary School Presenter: Trevino/Ramirez Time: 10 Minutes
Consider and/or Approve a Memorandum of Understanding with the Lockhart Education Foundation and One-Time Start-Up Donation Presenter: Trevino/Wright Time: 7 Minutes
Consider and/or Approve Interior Design Finish Boards as Related to the Lockhart High School Additions and Renovations Presenter: Trevino/Ramirez Time: 20 Minutes
Consider and/or Approve the Design Development Package as Related to the Lockhart High School Additions and Renovations Presenter: Trevino/Ramirez Time: 20 Minutes
Consider and/or Approve Board Meeting Date Changes for January 2015 Presenter: Trevino/Vera Time: 2 Minutes
Consider and/or Approve Request for Additional Staffing to Support Instructional Technology Needs Presenter: Trevino/Vera Time: 5 Minutes
COMMUNICATION/ACTION: A. Adjourn to Closed Session Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074, (Personnel, to deliberate regarding the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee; or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee) and/or Texas Government Code Section 551.071 (Consultation with Attorney), specifically to discuss: Time: 30 Minutes 1. Discuss Superintendent’s Evaluation and Evaluation Timeline as it Pertains to His Employment Contract Presenter: Trevino/Board of Trustees 2. Consideration of action to propose termination of the term employment contract of Magdalena Eubank before the end of the contract period Presenter: Trevino/Board of Trustees 3. Deliberation and Consideration of Administrative Hiring Practices Presenter: Neyman/Board of Trustees Time: 15 Minutes
ACTION: OPEN SESSION A. Consideration of action to propose to terminate the term employment contract of Magdalena Eubank before the end of the contract period Presenter: Board of Trustees Time: 5 Minutes