Business: Consent Agenda A. Approval of Minutes: 1. April 27, 2015 B. Review Tax Collection Report C. Review Cash Investments Report D. Approve Budget Amendments E. Approve Renewal of Purchasing CO-OP Memberships F. Approve 2015-2016 ESC-13 Commitment Forms
7. Adjourn to Closed Session Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074, (Personnel, to deliberate regarding the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee; or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee) and Texas Government Code Section 551.071 (Consultation with Attorney), specifically to discuss: A. Consultation with Legal Counsel Regarding Legal Issues Related to Superintendent Search Presenter: Knudsen/Board of Trustees B. Consultation with Legal Counsel Regarding Administrator Employment Contracts Presenter: Knudsen/Board of Trustees 8. ACTION: OPEN SESSION A. Consideration and Possible Action Regarding Options Related to Superintendent Search Presenter: Board of Trustees B. Consideration and Possible Action Regarding Unreturned Administrator Employment Contracts Presenter: Knudsen/Board of Trustees
C. Review Competitive Sealed Proposal #15-008 for Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning for Gymnasiums Presenter: Knudsen/Ramirez D. Review Contract from Competitive Sealed Proposal #15-009 for Clear Fork Elementary School Renovation Presenter: Knudsen/Ramirez
Review Applying to the Texas Education Agency for Low Attendance Waivers for 2 Instructional Days in 2014-2015 Presenter: Knudsen
Review RFP#15-006 Information Technology (IT) Equipment Lease Response Presenter: Knudsen/Ramirez
Review Nomination for Region 13C Position on the Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) Board of Directors Presenter: Knudsen/Board of Trustees
Conduct First Reading of the Process for Naming the New Elementary School Presenter: Knudsen/Ramirez
Review the Purchase of Real Property Approximately 20 Acres of Land Described in Two Separate Tracts of Approximately 15 acres and 5 acres each, Both Such Tracts Being out of the Pablo Martinez Survey, Abstract #181, Caldwell County, Texas Presenter: Knudsen/Ramirez
Review Proposed Agreement Between: E3 Alliance and Lockhart ISD Presenter: Knudsen/Ramirez/Estrada
6. COMMUNICATION/ACTION: A. Consider and/or Approve Guaranteed Maximum Price Amendment for Lockhart High School Additions and Renovations Presenter: Knudsen/Ramirez 9. ADJOURNMENT
Business: Consent Agenda A. Approval of Minutes: 1. April 27, 2015 B. Review Tax Collection Report C. Review Cash Investments Report D. Approve Budget Amendments E. Approve Renewal of Purchasing CO-OP Memberships F. Approve 2015-2016 ESC-13 Commitment Forms
7. Adjourn to Closed Session Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074, (Personnel, to deliberate regarding the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee; or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee) and Texas Government Code Section 551.071 (Consultation with Attorney), specifically to discuss: A. Consultation with Legal Counsel Regarding Legal Issues Related to Superintendent Search Presenter: Knudsen/Board of Trustees B. Consultation with Legal Counsel Regarding Administrator Employment Contracts Presenter: Knudsen/Board of Trustees 8. ACTION: OPEN SESSION A. Consideration and Possible Action Regarding Options Related to Superintendent Search Presenter: Board of Trustees B. Consideration and Possible Action Regarding Unreturned Administrator Employment Contracts Presenter: Knudsen/Board of Trustees
C. Review Competitive Sealed Proposal #15-008 for Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning for Gymnasiums Presenter: Knudsen/Ramirez D. Review Contract from Competitive Sealed Proposal #15-009 for Clear Fork Elementary School Renovation Presenter: Knudsen/Ramirez
Review Applying to the Texas Education Agency for Low Attendance Waivers for 2 Instructional Days in 2014-2015 Presenter: Knudsen
Review RFP#15-006 Information Technology (IT) Equipment Lease Response Presenter: Knudsen/Ramirez
Review Nomination for Region 13C Position on the Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) Board of Directors Presenter: Knudsen/Board of Trustees
Conduct First Reading of the Process for Naming the New Elementary School Presenter: Knudsen/Ramirez
Review the Purchase of Real Property Approximately 20 Acres of Land Described in Two Separate Tracts of Approximately 15 acres and 5 acres each, Both Such Tracts Being out of the Pablo Martinez Survey, Abstract #181, Caldwell County, Texas Presenter: Knudsen/Ramirez
Review Proposed Agreement Between: E3 Alliance and Lockhart ISD Presenter: Knudsen/Ramirez/Estrada
6. COMMUNICATION/ACTION: A. Consider and/or Approve Guaranteed Maximum Price Amendment for Lockhart High School Additions and Renovations Presenter: Knudsen/Ramirez 9. ADJOURNMENT