1. Call to Order 2. Presentation of Colors by JROTC 3. Invocation 4. Members Present: Carl M. Cisneros __ Tom Guyton__ Steve Johnson__ Jessica Neyman ___Jon Reyes ___ Brenda Spillmann ___ Michael Wright ___ 5. School Officials Present: Tina Knudsen__ Janie Wright__ Larry Ramirez__ Dan Vera__ Monica Parks__ Adam Galvan__ Dr. Pam Johnson__ Sheila Henderson__ Michelle Wylie__ Linda Bertram__ Karla Tate__ Bill Coleman __ Monica Guillory___ Hector Lozano__ Deanna Juarez___ Denisha Presley__ Mark Estrada___ Sam Lockhart___ Karen Nixon___ Cindy Cargile__ Anna Buentello__ Joan Schlaht__ Dr. Darryl Henson__ Anna Martin __ Martha Sherwood__
COMMUNICATION: A. Conduct Second Reading of the Process for Naming the New Elementary School Presenter: Knudsen B. Conduct Public Hearing on the Process for Naming the New Elementary School Presenter: Knudsen/Board of Trustees
9. Adjourn to Closed Session Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074, (Personnel, to deliberate regarding the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee, Texas Government Code Section 551.082 (complaint against District EE); or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee) and Texas Government Code Section 551.071 (Consultation with Attorney), specifically to discuss: A. Consultation with Legal Counsel Regarding Legal Issues Related to Superintendent Search Presenter: Knudsen/Board of Trustees B. Consultation with Legal Counsel Regarding Pending EEOC Complaint; Tex. Gov’t Code § 551.071 Presenter: Knudsen/Board of Trustees C. Level Three Employee Grievance Hearing; Tex. Gov’t Code § 551.074 Presenter: Knudsen/Board of Trustees D. Consultation with Legal Counsel and Deliberation Regarding Level Three Employee Grievance; Tex. Gov’t Code §§ 551.071 and 551.074 Presenter: Knudsen/Board of Trustees E. Consideration and Discussion Regarding Recommendation for Bluebonnet Elementary Principal Presenter: Knudsen/Board of Trustees F. Consultation with Legal Counsel Regarding Personnel Investigation. Tex. Gov’t Code 551.074 and 551.071 Presenter: Knudsen/Board of Trustees G. Discuss Professional Contract Recommendations Presenter: Knudsen/Board of Trustees 10. ACTION: OPEN SESSION A. Consideration and Possible Action Regarding Options Related to Superintendent Search Presenter: Board of Trustees B. Action Regarding Pending EEOC Complaint Presenter: Board of Trustees C. Action Regarding Level Three Employee Grievance Presenter: Board of Trustees D. Possible Action Regarding Professional Contract Recommendations Presenter: Knudsen/Board of Trustees
Business: Consent Agenda A. Approval of Minutes: 1. May 11, 2015 B. Approve Applying to the Texas Education Agency for Low Attendance Waivers for 2 Instructional Days in 2014-2015 Presenter: Knudsen C. Approve Budget Amendment D. 2014-2015 Student Transfers E. 2015-2016 Student Transfers
Consider and/or Approve Guaranteed Maximum Price Amendment for Lockhart High School Additions and Renovations Presenter: Knudsen/Ramirez
Consider and/or Approve Proposed Agreement Between: E3 Alliance and Lockhart ISD Presenter: Knudsen/Ramirez/Estrada
Consider and/or Approve Resolution of the Board of Trustees to Approve Immediate Implementation of Texas Education Code Section 12.104 Presenter: Knudsen/Wright
Consider and/or Approve 2015-2016 Board Meeting Schedule Presenter: Knudsen/Board of Trustees
E. Consider and/or Approve Nomination for Region 13C Position on the Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) Board of Directors Presenter: Knudsen/Board of Trustees F. Consider and/or Approve 2015-2017 Bank Depository Contract Presenter: Knudsen/Wylie
Consider and/or Approve the Purchase of Real Property Approximately 20 Acres of Land Described in Two Separate Tracts of Approximately 15 acres and 5 acres each, Both Such Tracts Being out of the Pablo Martinez Survey, Abstract #181, Caldwell County, Texas Presenter: Knudsen/Ramirez
Consider and/or Approve Competitive Sealed Proposal #15-008 for Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning for Gymnasiums Presenter: Knudsen/Ramirez
Consider and/or Approve Contract from Competitive Sealed Proposal #15-009 for Clear Fork Elementary School Renovation Presenter: Knudsen/Ramirez
1. Call to Order 2. Presentation of Colors by JROTC 3. Invocation 4. Members Present: Carl M. Cisneros __ Tom Guyton__ Steve Johnson__ Jessica Neyman ___Jon Reyes ___ Brenda Spillmann ___ Michael Wright ___ 5. School Officials Present: Tina Knudsen__ Janie Wright__ Larry Ramirez__ Dan Vera__ Monica Parks__ Adam Galvan__ Dr. Pam Johnson__ Sheila Henderson__ Michelle Wylie__ Linda Bertram__ Karla Tate__ Bill Coleman __ Monica Guillory___ Hector Lozano__ Deanna Juarez___ Denisha Presley__ Mark Estrada___ Sam Lockhart___ Karen Nixon___ Cindy Cargile__ Anna Buentello__ Joan Schlaht__ Dr. Darryl Henson__ Anna Martin __ Martha Sherwood__
COMMUNICATION: A. Conduct Second Reading of the Process for Naming the New Elementary School Presenter: Knudsen B. Conduct Public Hearing on the Process for Naming the New Elementary School Presenter: Knudsen/Board of Trustees
9. Adjourn to Closed Session Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074, (Personnel, to deliberate regarding the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee, Texas Government Code Section 551.082 (complaint against District EE); or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee) and Texas Government Code Section 551.071 (Consultation with Attorney), specifically to discuss: A. Consultation with Legal Counsel Regarding Legal Issues Related to Superintendent Search Presenter: Knudsen/Board of Trustees B. Consultation with Legal Counsel Regarding Pending EEOC Complaint; Tex. Gov’t Code § 551.071 Presenter: Knudsen/Board of Trustees C. Level Three Employee Grievance Hearing; Tex. Gov’t Code § 551.074 Presenter: Knudsen/Board of Trustees D. Consultation with Legal Counsel and Deliberation Regarding Level Three Employee Grievance; Tex. Gov’t Code §§ 551.071 and 551.074 Presenter: Knudsen/Board of Trustees E. Consideration and Discussion Regarding Recommendation for Bluebonnet Elementary Principal Presenter: Knudsen/Board of Trustees F. Consultation with Legal Counsel Regarding Personnel Investigation. Tex. Gov’t Code 551.074 and 551.071 Presenter: Knudsen/Board of Trustees G. Discuss Professional Contract Recommendations Presenter: Knudsen/Board of Trustees 10. ACTION: OPEN SESSION A. Consideration and Possible Action Regarding Options Related to Superintendent Search Presenter: Board of Trustees B. Action Regarding Pending EEOC Complaint Presenter: Board of Trustees C. Action Regarding Level Three Employee Grievance Presenter: Board of Trustees D. Possible Action Regarding Professional Contract Recommendations Presenter: Knudsen/Board of Trustees
Business: Consent Agenda A. Approval of Minutes: 1. May 11, 2015 B. Approve Applying to the Texas Education Agency for Low Attendance Waivers for 2 Instructional Days in 2014-2015 Presenter: Knudsen C. Approve Budget Amendment D. 2014-2015 Student Transfers E. 2015-2016 Student Transfers
Consider and/or Approve Guaranteed Maximum Price Amendment for Lockhart High School Additions and Renovations Presenter: Knudsen/Ramirez
Consider and/or Approve Proposed Agreement Between: E3 Alliance and Lockhart ISD Presenter: Knudsen/Ramirez/Estrada
Consider and/or Approve Resolution of the Board of Trustees to Approve Immediate Implementation of Texas Education Code Section 12.104 Presenter: Knudsen/Wright
Consider and/or Approve 2015-2016 Board Meeting Schedule Presenter: Knudsen/Board of Trustees
E. Consider and/or Approve Nomination for Region 13C Position on the Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) Board of Directors Presenter: Knudsen/Board of Trustees F. Consider and/or Approve 2015-2017 Bank Depository Contract Presenter: Knudsen/Wylie
Consider and/or Approve the Purchase of Real Property Approximately 20 Acres of Land Described in Two Separate Tracts of Approximately 15 acres and 5 acres each, Both Such Tracts Being out of the Pablo Martinez Survey, Abstract #181, Caldwell County, Texas Presenter: Knudsen/Ramirez
Consider and/or Approve Competitive Sealed Proposal #15-008 for Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning for Gymnasiums Presenter: Knudsen/Ramirez
Consider and/or Approve Contract from Competitive Sealed Proposal #15-009 for Clear Fork Elementary School Renovation Presenter: Knudsen/Ramirez