1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Invocation 4. Members Present: Carl M. Cisneros__ Tom Guyton__ Steve Johnson__ Jessica Neyman__ Jon Reyes__ Brenda Spillmann__ Michael Wright__ 5. School Officials Present: Tina Knudsen__ Janie Wright__ Larry Ramirez__ Dan Vera__ Monica Parks__ Michelle Wylie__ Adam Galvan__ Sheila Henderson__ Dr. Pam Johnson__ Linda Bertram__ Karla Tate__ Bill Coleman __ Monica Guillory__ Deanna Juarez__ Denisha Presley__ Mark Estrada__ Sam Lockhart__ Karen Nixon__ Glenn Shanks__ Susanne Scoggins__ Anna Buentello__ Faith Pope__ Darla Damron__ Anna Martin __ Martha Sherwood__ 6. Open Forum
Business: Consent Agenda A. Approval of Minutes: 1. June 15, 2015 2. June 22, 2015 3. July 9, 2015 4. July 13, 2015 5. July 14, 2015 6. July 15, 2015 7. July 16, 2015 8. July 20, 2015 9. July 21, 2015 10. July 22, 2015 B. Review Tax Collection Report C. Review Quarterly Investment Report D. Review Elementary and Secondary Student Handbooks G. Approve City of Lockhart / Lockhart ISD School Resource Officer Memorandum of Understanding H. Approve Communities in Schools Agreement for 2015-2016 I. Approve Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLP and Lockhart ISD Property Value Study Appeals Contract for 2016-2017 J. Approve 2015-2016 Caldwell County Special Education Cooperative Contracts over $50,000 K. Approve Renewal of 2015-2016 TASB Worker's Compensation Insurance L. Approve Renewal of 2015-2016 TASB Property Casualty Insurance M. Approve 2015-2016 Student Insurance Carrier
7E. Approve Lockhart ISD 2015-2016 Student Code of Conduct 7F. Approve Budget Amendments
Adjourn to Closed Session Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074, (Personnel, to deliberate regarding the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee; or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee) Texas Government Code Section 551.071 (Consultation with Attorney), and/or Texas Government Code Section 552.126 (Exception: confidentiality of name of applicant for Superintendent of public school district), specifically to discuss: A. Discuss Professional Contract Recommendations Presenter: Knudsen/Board of Trustees B. Consultation with Legal Counsel Regarding Legal Matters and Corresponding Legal Fees Presenter: Knudsen/Board of Trustees C. Discussion of personnel matters and corresponding legal fees Presenter: Knudsen/Board of Trustees D. Discussion of Superintendent Candidate(s) and Consideration of Naming a Sole Finalist(s) Presenter: Board of Trustees
A. Consideration and Possible Action Regarding Professional Contract Recommendations Presenter: Knudsen/Board of Trustees B. Consideration and Possible Action Regarding Professional Contract Recommendations Presenter: Board of Trustees
Consider and Take Possible Action in Naming a Sole Finalist(s) for Superintendent of Schools Presenter: Board of Trustees
Consideration and Possible Action Regarding Professional Contract Recommendations Presenter: Board of Trustees
COMMUNICATION/ACTION Consider and/or Approve Increase to District Contribution to Health Insurance Presenter: Knudsen/Wylie
Consider and/or Approve Proposal for Construction Material Testing/Lab Services for Lockhart High School Additions and Renovations Project Presenter: Knudsen/Ramirez
Consider and/or Approve Proposal for Construction Material Testing/Lab services for Alma Brewer Strawn Elementary Presenter: Knudsen/Ramirez
Consider and/or Approve City Permitting Fees for Lockhart High School Additions & Renovation Presenter: Knudsen/Ramirez
Consider and/or Approve Alternates for Construction of Alma Brewer Strawn Elementary School Presenter: Knudsen/Ramirez
Consider and/or Approve Request for Proposals #15-013 for Kitchen Equipment Presenter: Knudsen/Ramirez
Consider and/or Approve Special Education Teacher Position for the Discipline Management Center Presenter: Knudsen/Guillory
Consider and/or Approve Delegate and Alternate for Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) 2015 Convention Delegate Assembly Presenter: Board of Trustees
Consider and/or Approve TASB 2015 Nomination for Positions on the TASB Board Presenter: Board of Trustees
1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance 3. Invocation 4. Members Present: Carl M. Cisneros__ Tom Guyton__ Steve Johnson__ Jessica Neyman__ Jon Reyes__ Brenda Spillmann__ Michael Wright__ 5. School Officials Present: Tina Knudsen__ Janie Wright__ Larry Ramirez__ Dan Vera__ Monica Parks__ Michelle Wylie__ Adam Galvan__ Sheila Henderson__ Dr. Pam Johnson__ Linda Bertram__ Karla Tate__ Bill Coleman __ Monica Guillory__ Deanna Juarez__ Denisha Presley__ Mark Estrada__ Sam Lockhart__ Karen Nixon__ Glenn Shanks__ Susanne Scoggins__ Anna Buentello__ Faith Pope__ Darla Damron__ Anna Martin __ Martha Sherwood__ 6. Open Forum
Business: Consent Agenda A. Approval of Minutes: 1. June 15, 2015 2. June 22, 2015 3. July 9, 2015 4. July 13, 2015 5. July 14, 2015 6. July 15, 2015 7. July 16, 2015 8. July 20, 2015 9. July 21, 2015 10. July 22, 2015 B. Review Tax Collection Report C. Review Quarterly Investment Report D. Review Elementary and Secondary Student Handbooks G. Approve City of Lockhart / Lockhart ISD School Resource Officer Memorandum of Understanding H. Approve Communities in Schools Agreement for 2015-2016 I. Approve Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLP and Lockhart ISD Property Value Study Appeals Contract for 2016-2017 J. Approve 2015-2016 Caldwell County Special Education Cooperative Contracts over $50,000 K. Approve Renewal of 2015-2016 TASB Worker's Compensation Insurance L. Approve Renewal of 2015-2016 TASB Property Casualty Insurance M. Approve 2015-2016 Student Insurance Carrier
7E. Approve Lockhart ISD 2015-2016 Student Code of Conduct 7F. Approve Budget Amendments
Adjourn to Closed Session Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074, (Personnel, to deliberate regarding the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee; or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee) Texas Government Code Section 551.071 (Consultation with Attorney), and/or Texas Government Code Section 552.126 (Exception: confidentiality of name of applicant for Superintendent of public school district), specifically to discuss: A. Discuss Professional Contract Recommendations Presenter: Knudsen/Board of Trustees B. Consultation with Legal Counsel Regarding Legal Matters and Corresponding Legal Fees Presenter: Knudsen/Board of Trustees C. Discussion of personnel matters and corresponding legal fees Presenter: Knudsen/Board of Trustees D. Discussion of Superintendent Candidate(s) and Consideration of Naming a Sole Finalist(s) Presenter: Board of Trustees
A. Consideration and Possible Action Regarding Professional Contract Recommendations Presenter: Knudsen/Board of Trustees B. Consideration and Possible Action Regarding Professional Contract Recommendations Presenter: Board of Trustees
Consider and Take Possible Action in Naming a Sole Finalist(s) for Superintendent of Schools Presenter: Board of Trustees
Consideration and Possible Action Regarding Professional Contract Recommendations Presenter: Board of Trustees
COMMUNICATION/ACTION Consider and/or Approve Increase to District Contribution to Health Insurance Presenter: Knudsen/Wylie
Consider and/or Approve Proposal for Construction Material Testing/Lab Services for Lockhart High School Additions and Renovations Project Presenter: Knudsen/Ramirez
Consider and/or Approve Proposal for Construction Material Testing/Lab services for Alma Brewer Strawn Elementary Presenter: Knudsen/Ramirez
Consider and/or Approve City Permitting Fees for Lockhart High School Additions & Renovation Presenter: Knudsen/Ramirez
Consider and/or Approve Alternates for Construction of Alma Brewer Strawn Elementary School Presenter: Knudsen/Ramirez
Consider and/or Approve Request for Proposals #15-013 for Kitchen Equipment Presenter: Knudsen/Ramirez
Consider and/or Approve Special Education Teacher Position for the Discipline Management Center Presenter: Knudsen/Guillory
Consider and/or Approve Delegate and Alternate for Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) 2015 Convention Delegate Assembly Presenter: Board of Trustees
Consider and/or Approve TASB 2015 Nomination for Positions on the TASB Board Presenter: Board of Trustees