1. Call to Order 2. Members Present: Carl M. Cisneros ___ Tom Guyton ___ Steve Johnson___ Jessica Neyman ___ Jon Reyes ___ Brenda Spillmann ___ Michael Wright___ 3. School Officials Present: Tina Knudsen__ Larry Ramirez__ Dan Vera__ Darla Damron__
Adjourn to Closed Session Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074, (Personnel, to deliberate regarding the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipli ne, or dismissal of a public officer or employee; or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee), specifically to discuss: A. Discuss Professional Contract Recommendations Presenter: Knudsen/Board of Trustees B. Consultation with Legal Counsel Regarding Superintendent’s Contract Negotiation. This Consultation May Occur Via Teleconference. Tex. Gov’t Code sec. 551.071; 551.129. Presenter: Board of Trustees
COMMUNICATION/ACTION Consideration of and possible action regarding a Resolution approving a proposed Affidavit regarding Caldwell County’s required property restriction affecting the District’s future use and/or possible conveyance of two tracts of land, being 15.0029 acres and 4.9985 acres, more or less, out of the Pablo Martinez Survey, #181, Caldwell County, Texas, recently acquired by the District, in order for the District to obtain a construction per mit for such property, and authorizing the Board President to execute the proposed Affidavit, all as set forth in the Resolution Presenter: Knudsen/Ramirez
ACTION: OPEN SE SSION Consideration and Possible Action Regarding Professional Contract Recommendations Presenter: Board of Trustees
B. Consideration and Possible Action Regarding Administrative Contract Recommendation for Bluebonnet Elementary Presenter: Board of Trustees 7. ADJOURNMENT
1. Call to Order 2. Members Present: Carl M. Cisneros ___ Tom Guyton ___ Steve Johnson___ Jessica Neyman ___ Jon Reyes ___ Brenda Spillmann ___ Michael Wright___ 3. School Officials Present: Tina Knudsen__ Larry Ramirez__ Dan Vera__ Darla Damron__
Adjourn to Closed Session Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074, (Personnel, to deliberate regarding the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipli ne, or dismissal of a public officer or employee; or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee), specifically to discuss: A. Discuss Professional Contract Recommendations Presenter: Knudsen/Board of Trustees B. Consultation with Legal Counsel Regarding Superintendent’s Contract Negotiation. This Consultation May Occur Via Teleconference. Tex. Gov’t Code sec. 551.071; 551.129. Presenter: Board of Trustees
COMMUNICATION/ACTION Consideration of and possible action regarding a Resolution approving a proposed Affidavit regarding Caldwell County’s required property restriction affecting the District’s future use and/or possible conveyance of two tracts of land, being 15.0029 acres and 4.9985 acres, more or less, out of the Pablo Martinez Survey, #181, Caldwell County, Texas, recently acquired by the District, in order for the District to obtain a construction per mit for such property, and authorizing the Board President to execute the proposed Affidavit, all as set forth in the Resolution Presenter: Knudsen/Ramirez
ACTION: OPEN SE SSION Consideration and Possible Action Regarding Professional Contract Recommendations Presenter: Board of Trustees
B. Consideration and Possible Action Regarding Administrative Contract Recommendation for Bluebonnet Elementary Presenter: Board of Trustees 7. ADJOURNMENT