January is School Board Recognition Month - "Super-Heroes for Schools" 1.President Brenda Spillmann - Plum Creek Elementary and Jr. High School 2.Vice President Steve Johnson - Carver Kindergarten and Pride High School 3.Secretary Tom Guyton - M.L. Cisneros Freshman Campus 4.Trustee Carl M. Cisneros - Navarro Elementary 5.Trustee Jessica Neyman - Clear Fork Elementary 6.Trustee Jon Reyes - Lockhart High School 7.Trustee Michael Wright - Bluebonnet Elementary
CLOSED SESSION: Adjourn to Closed Session Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074, (Personnel, to deliberate regarding the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee): A. Deputy Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction B. Superintendent Performance Review C. Superintendent's Evaluation Instrument ACTION: OPEN SESSION
Business: Consent Agenda A.Approval of Minutes: 1.December 14, 2015 B.Review of LISD Tax Collection Report C.Review of Quarterly Investment Report D.Approve Budget Amendments E.Accept 2015-2016 Student Transfers
7A.Bond Progress Update/Facilities and Construction Committee Update 7B.Alma Brewer Strawn Elementary School Update
C. Elementary Attendance Zones and Student Assignment Process Update K. District Bilingual Programming
COMMUNICATION/ACTION: Consider and/or Approve Request for Quote from BuyBoard #15-018 for Technology, Security and Access Control System for Strawn Elementary and Lockhart High School and Amend the Budget
Consider and/or Approve Request for Quote from BuyBoard #15-019 for Purchase of Marquees for Strawn Elementary and Lockhart High School and Amend the Budget
Consider and/or Approve Action Regarding the Adoption of a Resolution Approving the Conveyance of an Electrical Easement to the Bluebonnet Electrical, as Set Forth in Said Resolution
Consider and/or Approve Stipend for Career and Technology Education (CTE) Coordination for Remainder 2015-2016 School Year
Consider and/or Approve Special Education Therapists [Request for Qualifications (RFQ) 15-016 ]
9. CLOSED SESSION: Adjourn to Closed Session Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074, (Personnel, to deliberate regarding the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee): A. Deputy Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction B. Superintendent Performance Review C. Superintendent's Evaluation Instrument 10. ACTION: OPEN SESSION A. Consider and/or Approve the Superintendent's Evaluation Instrument B. Consider and/or Approve Hiring of Deputy Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction C. Consideration and Possible Action Regarding Professional Contract Recommendations
January is School Board Recognition Month - "Super-Heroes for Schools" 1.President Brenda Spillmann - Plum Creek Elementary and Jr. High School 2.Vice President Steve Johnson - Carver Kindergarten and Pride High School 3.Secretary Tom Guyton - M.L. Cisneros Freshman Campus 4.Trustee Carl M. Cisneros - Navarro Elementary 5.Trustee Jessica Neyman - Clear Fork Elementary 6.Trustee Jon Reyes - Lockhart High School 7.Trustee Michael Wright - Bluebonnet Elementary
CLOSED SESSION: Adjourn to Closed Session Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074, (Personnel, to deliberate regarding the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee): A. Deputy Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction B. Superintendent Performance Review C. Superintendent's Evaluation Instrument ACTION: OPEN SESSION
Business: Consent Agenda A.Approval of Minutes: 1.December 14, 2015 B.Review of LISD Tax Collection Report C.Review of Quarterly Investment Report D.Approve Budget Amendments E.Accept 2015-2016 Student Transfers
7A.Bond Progress Update/Facilities and Construction Committee Update 7B.Alma Brewer Strawn Elementary School Update
C. Elementary Attendance Zones and Student Assignment Process Update K. District Bilingual Programming
COMMUNICATION/ACTION: Consider and/or Approve Request for Quote from BuyBoard #15-018 for Technology, Security and Access Control System for Strawn Elementary and Lockhart High School and Amend the Budget
Consider and/or Approve Request for Quote from BuyBoard #15-019 for Purchase of Marquees for Strawn Elementary and Lockhart High School and Amend the Budget
Consider and/or Approve Action Regarding the Adoption of a Resolution Approving the Conveyance of an Electrical Easement to the Bluebonnet Electrical, as Set Forth in Said Resolution
Consider and/or Approve Stipend for Career and Technology Education (CTE) Coordination for Remainder 2015-2016 School Year
Consider and/or Approve Special Education Therapists [Request for Qualifications (RFQ) 15-016 ]
9. CLOSED SESSION: Adjourn to Closed Session Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074, (Personnel, to deliberate regarding the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee): A. Deputy Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction B. Superintendent Performance Review C. Superintendent's Evaluation Instrument 10. ACTION: OPEN SESSION A. Consider and/or Approve the Superintendent's Evaluation Instrument B. Consider and/or Approve Hiring of Deputy Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction C. Consideration and Possible Action Regarding Professional Contract Recommendations