Recognitions A. Lockhart ISD Teachers of the Year B. Carver Kindergarten Featuring LISD Graduate Mentor & Science Fair Participants C. Navarro Elementary Featuring Million Word Readers D. 2016 Treasures of the Texas Coast Children’s Art Contest Winner E. Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) National Qualifier F. Area and Regional Boys/Girls Track and Field Qualifiers G. District and Bi-District Softball Champions
COMMUNICATION/ACTION: A. Consider and/or Approve Request for Proposal #16-001 for Food Service Program
6. Business: Consent Agenda A. Approval of Minutes: 1. April 25, 2016 2. May 3, 2016 3. May 9, 2016 C. Approve 2015-2016 Out-of-District Student Transfers D. Approve Renewal for 2016-2017 Student Accident Insurance F. Approve Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment Purchases for Lockhart High School and Strawn Elementary and Amend the Budget G. Approve Vendor in Response to Competitive Sealed Proposal #16-010 for Fire Alarm Upgrades at Clear Fork, Navarro, and Plum Creek Elementary H. Approve HOSA Out-of-State Trip to Nashville, TN I. Approve Changes to Policy DC (Local) Employment Practices J. Review Date for Public Meeting on the 2016-2017 Budget K. Review 2016 Tax Rate to be Published L. Review Cash Investments Report M. Review Tax Collection Report O. Review of Membership in Walsh Gallegos Trevino Russo & Kyle Retainer Program
Discuss Policy Update 104 Affecting Local Policies: EEH (Local) Instructional Arrangements Homebound Instruction, FB (Local) Equal Educational Opportunity, FD (Local) Admissions, FEB (Local) Attendance Accounting, FFC (Local) Student Welfare Student Support Services, and FFH (Local) Student Welfare Freedom from Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation
Adjourn to Closed Session Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074, (Personnel, to deliberate regarding the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee); A. Discuss Professional Contract Recommendations B. Superintendent's Performance Review
ACTION: OPEN SESSION Consideration and Possible Action Regarding Professional Contract Recommendations
Recognitions A. Lockhart ISD Teachers of the Year B. Carver Kindergarten Featuring LISD Graduate Mentor & Science Fair Participants C. Navarro Elementary Featuring Million Word Readers D. 2016 Treasures of the Texas Coast Children’s Art Contest Winner E. Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) National Qualifier F. Area and Regional Boys/Girls Track and Field Qualifiers G. District and Bi-District Softball Champions
COMMUNICATION/ACTION: A. Consider and/or Approve Request for Proposal #16-001 for Food Service Program
6. Business: Consent Agenda A. Approval of Minutes: 1. April 25, 2016 2. May 3, 2016 3. May 9, 2016 C. Approve 2015-2016 Out-of-District Student Transfers D. Approve Renewal for 2016-2017 Student Accident Insurance F. Approve Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment Purchases for Lockhart High School and Strawn Elementary and Amend the Budget G. Approve Vendor in Response to Competitive Sealed Proposal #16-010 for Fire Alarm Upgrades at Clear Fork, Navarro, and Plum Creek Elementary H. Approve HOSA Out-of-State Trip to Nashville, TN I. Approve Changes to Policy DC (Local) Employment Practices J. Review Date for Public Meeting on the 2016-2017 Budget K. Review 2016 Tax Rate to be Published L. Review Cash Investments Report M. Review Tax Collection Report O. Review of Membership in Walsh Gallegos Trevino Russo & Kyle Retainer Program
Discuss Policy Update 104 Affecting Local Policies: EEH (Local) Instructional Arrangements Homebound Instruction, FB (Local) Equal Educational Opportunity, FD (Local) Admissions, FEB (Local) Attendance Accounting, FFC (Local) Student Welfare Student Support Services, and FFH (Local) Student Welfare Freedom from Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation
Adjourn to Closed Session Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074, (Personnel, to deliberate regarding the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee); A. Discuss Professional Contract Recommendations B. Superintendent's Performance Review
ACTION: OPEN SESSION Consideration and Possible Action Regarding Professional Contract Recommendations