COMMUNICATION/ACTION: Approve Resolution Adopting the Maintenance and Operations Tax Rate, Interest and Sinking Tax Rate and Total Tax Rate for 2022
Consideration and possible action regarding an order calling for a Voter Approval Tax Rate Election for the November 8, 2022 uniform election.
Consideration and Discussion with Respect to a November 8, 2022 Bond Election and Possible Action Regarding Bond Proposition Options and Ballot Language
Consideration and Action with Respect to an "Order Calling a Bond Election" for the November 8, 2022 Uniform Election Date ADJOURNMENT
COMMUNICATION/ACTION: Approve Resolution Adopting the Maintenance and Operations Tax Rate, Interest and Sinking Tax Rate and Total Tax Rate for 2022
Consideration and possible action regarding an order calling for a Voter Approval Tax Rate Election for the November 8, 2022 uniform election.
Consideration and Discussion with Respect to a November 8, 2022 Bond Election and Possible Action Regarding Bond Proposition Options and Ballot Language
Consideration and Action with Respect to an "Order Calling a Bond Election" for the November 8, 2022 Uniform Election Date ADJOURNMENT