B. Consider and/or Approve Schematic Design for New Elementary School #6 C. Consider and/or Approve Schematic Design for High School Additions and Renovations
CLOSED SESSION: A. Adjourned to Closed Session: Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.072 (Deliberation Regarding Real Property); Texas Government Code Section 551.074, (Personnel, to deliberate regarding the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee); and Texas Government Code Section 551.076 (Deliberation regarding implementation of security personnel or devices) specifically to discuss: 1. Superintendent's Performance Review
Business: Consent Agenda A. Approve Minutes 1. May 15, 2023 2. June 5, 2023 B. Approve Resolution Classifying Funds as Committed for 2022-2023 Financial Statements C. Approve Final Amended Budget for 2022-2023 D. Approve 2023-2024 ESC-13 Commitment Forms E. Approve Renewal of SPED Contracted Services Contracts F. Approve Resolution Extending Depository Contract for Funds with First Lockhart National Bank G. Review Request for Advanced Class Waivers for Extracurricular Participation H. Review Cash Investment Report I. Review Tax Collection Report
District Improvement Plan and Campus Improvement Plans Final Update for the 2022-2023 School Year
Review Agreement Between Lockhart ISD and Communities In Schools of Central Texas, 2023-2024 and Possible Expansion
COMMUNICATION/ACTION: Consideration and possible action regarding 2023-2024 Employee Compensation Plan and options related to possible passage of Voter Approved Tax Ratification Election (VATRE) in November 2023
Consider and/or Approve 2023-2024 Budgets for Maintenance and Operation Fund, Debt Service Fund and School Nutrition Fund
Consider and/or Approve Delegate and Alternate for Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) 2023 Convention Delegate Assembly
Consideration and possible action to adopt Board Resolution in Support of Juniper Springs Housing Development
B. Consider and/or Approve Schematic Design for New Elementary School #6 C. Consider and/or Approve Schematic Design for High School Additions and Renovations
CLOSED SESSION: A. Adjourned to Closed Session: Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.072 (Deliberation Regarding Real Property); Texas Government Code Section 551.074, (Personnel, to deliberate regarding the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee); and Texas Government Code Section 551.076 (Deliberation regarding implementation of security personnel or devices) specifically to discuss: 1. Superintendent's Performance Review
Business: Consent Agenda A. Approve Minutes 1. May 15, 2023 2. June 5, 2023 B. Approve Resolution Classifying Funds as Committed for 2022-2023 Financial Statements C. Approve Final Amended Budget for 2022-2023 D. Approve 2023-2024 ESC-13 Commitment Forms E. Approve Renewal of SPED Contracted Services Contracts F. Approve Resolution Extending Depository Contract for Funds with First Lockhart National Bank G. Review Request for Advanced Class Waivers for Extracurricular Participation H. Review Cash Investment Report I. Review Tax Collection Report
District Improvement Plan and Campus Improvement Plans Final Update for the 2022-2023 School Year
Review Agreement Between Lockhart ISD and Communities In Schools of Central Texas, 2023-2024 and Possible Expansion
COMMUNICATION/ACTION: Consideration and possible action regarding 2023-2024 Employee Compensation Plan and options related to possible passage of Voter Approved Tax Ratification Election (VATRE) in November 2023
Consider and/or Approve 2023-2024 Budgets for Maintenance and Operation Fund, Debt Service Fund and School Nutrition Fund
Consider and/or Approve Delegate and Alternate for Texas Association of School Boards (TASB) 2023 Convention Delegate Assembly
Consideration and possible action to adopt Board Resolution in Support of Juniper Springs Housing Development